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18th Saturday

Verona - Community Breakfast

8:30am Saturdays. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. Admission is by a monetary donation.  — Get Directions 

31st Friday

Verona - Family Fun Night

7pm. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. Bring your board games and light snacks. Children under 12 must be with an older sibling or parent/guardian. — Get Directions 


6th Thursday

Verona - Diners Lunch Club for seniors (55+)

12pm. Verona Free Methodist Church, 6804 Road 38. Lunch will be  meatloaf, a side and dessert. Entertainment Mick Grice- Whiskey Smoke. Lunch is served at noon. Cost $ 10 Please call South Frontenac Community Services at 613-376-6477 ext 303 to reserve — Get Directions 

Regular Happenings

Verona - Church Service

10am Sundays. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. We welcome everyone

Verona - Free EarlyOn Baby Group

1-3:30pm Thursdays. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. Backdoor entrance. For infants 0-1 and their families. Pre register at keyon.ca

Verona - Free EarlyOn Playgroup

Tuesdays: 9am-3:30pm Thursdays 9am-12:30pm and Baby Group 1-3:30. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. Backdoor entrance. Pre register at keyon.ca

Verona - Line Dancing

9am Tuesdays. Verona Lions Hall, 4504 Verona Sand Rd. All welcome For more information call 613 372 5431

Verona - The Twisted Knitters Group

10am-12pm 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. All knitters and crocheters welcome.

Verona - Trinity Quilters

9am-12pm First and Third Wednesday of every month. Trinity United Church, 6689 Road 38. Verona. Work on individual or group projects. All welcome (minimal fee to cover church rental)