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7th Friday
Sharbot Lake - Bingo
5:30pm Fridays. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall), 1107 Garrett St. Doors open 5:30pm, Lightning Rounds begin 6:45pm — Get Directions
Sydenham - Darts
6:45pm Fridays. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Upstairs. Good times, good friends, good memories. Every second Friday This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for info — Get Directions
Harrowsmith - Youth Dance
7-9:30pm First Friday of every month. Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd. Public school children only, cost $6. Info 613-372-2410 — Get Directions
8th Saturday
Verona - Verona Lions Breakfast
8:30am. Verona Lions Hall, 4504 Verona Sand Rd. By donation and proceeds go to the Frontenac Fury Hockey team — Get Directions
Arden - Open Mic and Dance
1-5pm Second Saturday of every month. Arden Legion, 5957 Arden Rd. No cover, Legion is donating the space, all welcome, Licensed — Get Directions
Sydenham - Heartland Country - Valentine's Dance
7pm. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Expecting a sell out again for them. Don't hesitate. Get your tickets now at The One Stop or Legion for only $10. — Get Directions
9th Sunday
Vennachar - Student Archery Tournament
1pm. Vennachar Free Methodist Church, 424 Matawachan Rd. — Get Directions
10th Monday
Denbigh - Ladies Coffee Circle
10am. Vennachar Free Methodist Church.
Sharbot Lake - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8pm Mondays. St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, 1028 Elizabeth St. — Get Directions
11th Tuesday
Flinton - Flinton Diners
12pm. Flinton Hall. Chili $12 per person the meal is served at noon– Please call Shelby to RSVP 613-336-8934 ext 229
12th Wednesday
Godfrey - Public Skating
9-10:30am Wednesdays. Frontenac Community Arena, 4299 Arena Boundary Rd. — Get Directions
6pm. Snow Road Community Centre. 'Men in Charge' to celebrate Valentines Day! Please bring a favourite dish or a dessert to share. Join us for fun, good food and s0cializing with friends and neighbours. Everyone is welcome.
Denbigh - Valentine's Crafting
6pm. Denbigh Library, 31 Central St. Please call to register @ 613-333-1426 — Get Directions
13th Thursday
Harrowsmith - South Frontenac Museum Society AGM
10am. South Frontenac Museum, 5595 Road 38. — Get Directions
Maberly - Tay Valley Diner's Club Lunch
11:30am-1:30pm. Maberly Community Hall, 180 Maberly Elphin Rd. Register online at the Tay Valley Township website or call 613-267-5353 ext.110. Limited space available! Live music by Smoke & Whiskey. Funding provided by the Seniors Active Living Centre. — Get Directions
Sydenham - Bingo
6pm Thursdays. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Charity Radio Bingo. $6 for 6 cards, Buy cards at Legion, play at Legion or at home. www.cjai.ca/bingo/ — Get Directions
14th Friday
Arden - Music and Open Mic with Roy Bradshaw and Country Sky Band
1-5pm. Arden Legion, 5957 Arden Rd. $20 per couple, bar and food available. Put your dancing boots on and have a good time! — Get Directions
Plevna - Valentine's Dinner
5pm. Clar-Mill Hall, 6598 Buckshot Lake Rd. Seatings at 5pm and 7pm. $60 per couple, includes Chicken Parm Pasta, Caesar Salad, Garlic Cheese Bread, and Dessert. RSVP to Mary-Ann at 905-213-3820. — Get Directions
Sharbot Lake - Frontenac Heritage Festival
5pm on. Cardinal Cafe, Belong, Kick and Push, Arden Legion Multi-faceted festival in Sharbot Lake ad Arden - food and music - see ad on page 9 of this week's paper for schedule — Get Directions
Denbigh - Valentine's Potluck
5:30pm. Vennachar Free Methodist Church.
Denbigh - Valentine's Dance
8pm. Denbigh/Griffith Lions Club, 25991 Hwy 41. There will be food, drink, dancing and music by DJ Tom. $15.00 per person. For more information, call Helene at 613-333-1409 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. — Get Directions
15th Saturday
Sharbot Lake - Arden - Frontenac Heritage Festival
8am - 11pm Multi-faceted festival in Sharbot Lake and Arden - see ad on page 9 of this week's paper for schedule — Get Directions
Verona - Food Drive
10am. Verona Foodland, 6145 Road 38. Presented by Girl Guides - food to be donated to South Frontenac Food Bank. — Get Directions
Arden - Kennebec Lake Association’s 13th Annual Winter Fun Day
11am. Springwood Cottage Resort, 1018 Blue Heron Ridge Road. Activities include: Skating, Hockey, Snow Shoeing, Free Ice Fishing, Camp Fire, Crokicurl and more. — Get Directions
Mississippi Station - Back Forty Winterland
11am-5pm. Back Forty Artisan Cheese, 1406 Gulley Rd. Recreation and food - Toboggan runs snow-shoeing, etc - cheese shop open, more details at artisancheese.ca — Get Directions
Harlowe - Olde Tyme Fiddlers
1-5pm Third Saturday of every month. Harlowe Hall, 1047 Gull Lake Rd. Admission $5, Entertainers $2. All welcome, refreshments available. Info Marie 613-336-2557 — Get Directions
Inverary - Chicken & Biscuits
5pm. Storrington Lions Hall, 2992 Princess Rd. Cost is $25 per adult. Children 12 and under $15. To reserve call Marie at 613-449-4744. — Get Directions
Arden - Whiskey Smoke
8pm. Arden Legion, 5957 Arden Rd. They are a Kingston based duo featuring local country singers Mike Grice and Amanda Sorensen. Singing traditional country music from the '90s to today's best hits. Amanda and Mike bring an energetic and authentic Country performance you won't want to miss. — Get Directions
16th Sunday
Frontenac Heritage Festival
10am - 2pm Multi-faceted festival in Sharbot Lake and Arden - see ad on page 9 of this week's paper for schedule
Denbigh - Family Fun Day
11am. Denbigh Heritage Park, 185 Hwy. 28. There will be outdoor games, skating, sleigh riding, snowshoeing and snow painting, as well as free food and drinks. Everyone is welcome. — Get Directions
Sharbot Lake - Polar Plunge
11am. Sharbot Lake Marina, 1008 Cannon Road. To register, please contact: Linda Harding-Devries 613-316-5063 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Post plunge $5 Chili lunch available at the Sharbot Lake Legion — Get Directions
Harrowsmith - Take-out and Dine-in Turkey Dinner
4pm. Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd. Tickets are not required but you must call 613-372-2410 IN ADVANCE to reserve your dinner. Cost is $20.00 and pick up time is between 4 and 5:30pm. The cut-off date for orders is Wednesday, February 12. — Get Directions
17th Monday
Godfrey - Family Day at the Frontenac Community Arena
10am. Frontenac Community Arena, 4299 Arena Boundary Rd. Come enjoy family day with free skating, snow tubing and snowshoeing, outdoor activities and games. — Get Directions
18th Tuesday
Maberly - Memory Cafe
10am. Maberly Community Hall, 180 Maberly Elphin Rd. Tay Valley Township is partnering with The Alzheimer Society of Lanark Leeds Grenville in providing the community with a Memory Café in Maberly. Come by the hall to socialize with other people who share a similar journey. All welcome - prevention is the first step. Contact 866-576-8556, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. — Get Directions
19th Wednesday
Ompah - Birthday Bash
6pm Third Wednesday of every month. Ompah Hall, 10200 Road 509. Bring a toonie and a dish to share and join us as we all gather to enjoy a wonderful meal together. Everyone is welcome to celebrate those who have birthdays this month. — Get Directions
21st Friday
Sydenham - Comedy Night
7pm. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. This show will feature Comedian Al Babcock as well as a full lineup of comedian guests. Show starts at 8PM and will run until approximately 10PM. Tickets are $10 each and are expected to sell out. — Get Directions
22nd Saturday
Plevna - Winterfest
Clar-Mill Hall, 6598 Buckshot Lake Rd. — Get Directions
Sydenham - Pike Fishing Derby
10am-2pm. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Tickets $10. Everyone welcome. Fish any lake.. We weigh the fish, then give it back. Submit one fish per ticket. Tickets will be available at the Legion in Sydenham and at the Sydenham One-Stop. Branch ph: 613-376-6808. Branch hours Tues to Sat 2-6 (open longer on Fridays) See facebok.com/sydenhamLegion — Get Directions
Harlowe - Open mic
1-5pm Fourth Saturday of every month. Harlowe Hall, 1047 Gull Lake Rd. Admission $5, Entertainers $2. All welcome. Refreshments available. Info - Marie 613-336-2557 — Get Directions
Arden - Live music at the Arden Legion
8pm. Arden Legion, 5957 Arden Rd. Featuring SHAWN NELSON BAND! Tickets $15 each or two for $25. — Get Directions
23rd Sunday
Arden - 60's Hits & Love Songs
2pm. Arden United Church, 1076 Railway St. Community singalong with piano prelude and special guests. Tea & coffee social to follow. — Get Directions
Inverary - Euchre and Chili
2pm. Storrington Lions Hall, 2992 Princess Rd. Cost is $15 per person. No need to have a partner. Cash bar available. Join the fun, make some new friends, maybe win a prize and the chili is delicious! — Get Directions
25th Tuesday
Ompah - Cooking Class - Bread, Soup & Salad
10am. Ompah Hall, 10200 Road 509. The cost is $15 (includes a printed recipe booklet, a light lunch and snacks.) To register, please contact: Elaine Moffitt 613-519-3588 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. — Get Directions
Northbrook - Northbrook Diners
12pm. Northbrook Lions Hall, 12328 ON-41. hepards Pie $12 per person the meal is served at noon – Please call Shelby to RSVP 613-336-8934 ext 229 & we will be offering our Tiered Exercise Program at 10:30AM before diner club — Get Directions
28th Friday
Inverary - Food Bank Drive
1pm. Storrington Lions Hall, 2992 Princess Rd. Both perishable and non-perishable items accepted, along with personal hygiene products and household need items. Cash donations always welcome. — Get Directions
1st Saturday
Sharbot Lake - Open Mic
1pm. Sharbot Lake Legion, 1015 Legion Rd. — Get Directions
Sydenham - Dieter Boehme
7:30pm. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Tickets for 496 run events, when available, will be sold at Branch 496 downstairs lounge or Sydenham One-Stop. Tickets are $10 each for 496 run events — Get Directions
2nd Sunday
Perth Road - Afternoon of Country Music
2pm. Perth Road Hall, 5612 Perth Rd Crescent. Perth Road Sunday School Hall, 5622 Perth Road Cres. A light lunch available. Free will offering. — Get Directions
22nd Saturday
Inverary - Spring Sale
10am. Inverary United Church, 4681 Latimer Rd. Book a table NOW and hold your mini garage sale/flea market or sell your crafts! Time to spring clean or downsize. Call Marie at 613-449-4744. — Get Directions
9th Wednesday
Cloyne - Land O' Lakes Garden Club Meeting
6:45pm. Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. Tauney Stinson Mushroom Hunters with Loose Morels. Talk on mushrooms in our community. — Get Directions
12th Saturday
Sydenham - Trevor Walsh
7:30pm. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Tickets for 496 run events, when available, will be sold at Branch 496 downstairs lounge or Sydenham One-Stop. Tickets are $10 each for 496 run events — Get Directions
13th Sunday
Sydenham - Jeff Code
7:30pm. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Tickets for 496 run events, when available, will be sold at Branch 496 downstairs lounge or Sydenham One-Stop. Tickets are $10 each for 496 run events — Get Directions
26th Saturday
Cloyne - Pitch in for Mother Earth
9am. Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. 2 nd Annual Pitch in for Mother Earth PI4ME, come out and help pick up litter in our community. — Get Directions
3rd Saturday
Sydenham - Still Standin
7:30pm. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Tickets for 496 run events, when available, will be sold at Branch 496 downstairs lounge or Sydenham One-Stop. Tickets are $10 each for 496 run events — Get Directions
14th Wednesday
Cloyne - Land O' Lakes Garden Club Meeting
6:45pm. Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. Patricia Caroll - 10 Chances Organic Farm, how to grow organically — Get Directions
24th Saturday
Cloyne - Land O' Lakes Garden Club Plant Sale
Barrie Hall, 14225 ON-41. Shop locally and help fund the Garden Club’s programs. — Get Directions
31st Saturday
Sydenham - Ladies Auxiliary Chinese Dinner & Auction
Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. — Get Directions
3rd Tuesday
Sydenham - Hicktown
7:30pm. Sydenham Legion, 4361 Amelia St. Tickets for 496 run events, when available, will be sold at Branch 496 downstairs lounge or Sydenham One-Stop. Tickets are $10 each for 496 run events — Get Directions