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19th Wednesday

Ompah - Birthday Bash

6pm Third Wednesday of every month. Ompah Hall, 10200 Road 509. Bring a toonie and a dish to share and join us as we all gather to enjoy a wonderful meal together. Everyone is welcome to celebrate those who have birthdays this month. — Get Directions 

25th Tuesday

Ompah - Cooking Class - Bread, Soup & Salad

10am. Ompah Hall, 10200 Road 509. The cost is $15 (includes a printed recipe booklet, a light lunch and snacks.) To register, please contact: Elaine Moffitt   613-519-3588 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. — Get Directions 

Regular Happenings

Ompah - Euchre

Cards, Games, Games, Euchre ect. Fridays. Ompah Hall, 10200 Road 509. All welcome, for cards and companionship. Contact - Janice Arthur 613-479-2318