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20th Friday

Harrowsmith - Frontenac Farmer's Market

3-7pm Fridays. Centennial Park, 4500 Centennial Park Rd. Weekly market, fresh produce, live music, local beer, grab and go, crafts. "The weekend starts at the market" — Get Directions 


4th Friday

Harrowsmith - Youth Dance

7-9:30pm First Friday of every month. Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd. Public school children only, cost $6. Info 613-372-2410 — Get Directions 

13th Sunday

Harrowsmith - Old Tyme Fiddlers & Open Mike

1-5pm Second Sunday of every month. Harrowsmith Golden Links Hall, 4186 Colebrook Rd. Followed by dinner, please bring a dessert to share, cost $15. info 613-372-2410 — Get Directions